Sunday, February 12, 2012

What have I been up to?

Well here are a few things I have done this past while. These first few cuties are my nieces and nephew. Adorable right. 

This is Alexis. I did her Senior session this past summer. It was so fun. I love photographing Seniors. She came with her own entourage! They brought so many fun outfits for her and props. They were a lot of help. I was a little Prego at the time and didn't want to lift much. Thanks guys. Alexis you are gorgeous. 

And this little cutie is my cousins little girl. I did her newborn shots a year ago. Crazy how fast that year went by. She did so well for it being a little chilly. 

And last but not least here is my beautiful sister in law, Camille. Love you Camille. You are so gorgeous. It was so fun to hang out and play.